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Christmas is at the door. It’s official. 5 days left, Christmas decor ideas at home are ready and I cannot wait for my family lunch and for the Christmas day playing Risiko with my friends.
unprogetto is an interior design blog and, everybody knows it, interior lovers at Christmas are mad about lights and decorations.
So, I decided to be trivial again and to dream about Christmas time talking about decorations.
Who follows me on facebook knows that I started to publish my Christmas moodboards on the 28th november. For those who arrive here for the first time, here comes the 10 shades of Christmas in all their glory.

10 shades of Christmas – decorations and other little things

Christmas Decor Ideas | blue
Blue, for who is not able to give up to the color of the sea.

Christmas Decor Ideas | gingerbread
Gingerbread, for romantic cooks who loves the dessert scent.

Christmas Decor Ideas | green
Green, for nordic style lovers.

Christmas Decor Ideas | kraft paper
Kraft Paper, for who don’t give up on recycling, even at Christmas.

Christmas Decor Ideas | multicolor
Multicolor, for smiling people (and trash people also)

Christmas Decor Ideas | orange
Orange, for those who love to come home and smell the orange and cinnamon scent.

Christmas Decor Ideas | tartan
Tartan, for traditionalists.

Christmas Decor Ideas | white
White, for eternal romantics.

You can find all the images on CHRISTMAS | unprogetto,
one of my Pinterest inboards dedicated to Christmas decor ideas.