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[su_quote cite=”Details are not details, they make the design.”][/su_quote]
Details are not details, they make the design is the selection of a precise color, it is a warm material. It is the shape of a dress that fits the wearer like a glove. It is a table set with simplicity, for a breakfast with friends.
Details are not details is when someone notices you’ve cut your hair, it is the artist’s mannerism on the canvas, it is the smile you exchange with a stranger on the bus.
Inside the Beyeler Foundation in Basel is exposed one of the many versions of Monet’s water lilies. The room contains only that painting on a wall. The opposite wall is left blank, the wall on the right is the one from which you enter, and the left wall is fully glazed. Beyond the glass, the garden, but before the garden, a small lake on which the sunlight creates colored reflections, those that Monet loved so much, those he was obsessed with. The reality meets the work of art in just over 15 square meters.
Details are not details.
The column Tales of quotes is a collection of personal thoughts on the hot topics that revolve around design. It’s my way of following to the letter the advice of the icons of the past, in the design and personal life. It is the column in which I allow myself to write and publish in one go, without rereading.
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