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Be Human: designing with empathy. That’s the 9th edition Brera Design District’s pay off.

Be Human: the deep knowledge of the consumer is the first step to create a product.

That’s the concept Brera Design District 2018 focuses on. It has become for years one of the greatest representative of Italian Design, that manages to collect the important brands and the most interesting young designers trials on the Italian and international scenario.

Brera Design District 2018 fuorisalone 2018 must see milano design week 2018


That’s why the selected ambassador are talents who strongly believe in the emotional aspect of design and the empathy between the objects, places and people: Cristina Celestino, Elena Salmistraro, Daniele Lago.

Brera introduces itself as a cultural district, aiming to enliven the city not only during the Design Week.

Here it is the most important events:

Don’t Call Me… Dafne di Elena Salmistraro

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Timberland chose Elena Salmistraro as product designer and icon for its feminist campaign “DON’T CALL ME” (she won the prize as the best young designer last year at Salone del Mobile Award 2017). A tree, an oak, symbol of sacrality, perfection, energy and life, but also the already well-knonw Timberland logo. That’s the subject the designer reinterprete with her particular language in a lively art installation; with its beating heart it aspires to seduct and wrap up whoever gets in contact with it.

Corallo by Cristina Celestino

Brera Design District 2018 fuorisalone 2018 must see milano design week 2018

Cristina Celestino make the ancient tram 1928 a real parlor moving around the streets of Brera Design District. An ideal “Cinema Corallo” on rails where precious materials live side by side to past memories. The project is born because of the widespread demand of the international press and the influencers, who need both to live new experiences around design and interior and discover the city with its refined beauty. Cristina Celestino decided to reinterprete the theme of travel through the aesthetic of the Milanese mean of transport par excellence.

Never Stop Looking Beyond by Lago

Lago has this year indroduced itself with the concept NEVER STOP LOOKING BEYOND. Fuorisalone becomes the place where narration and experience give life to innovation, design and empathy. In via Brera 30, Lago apartment will host the exhibition curated by Italianism: 40 patterns realized by as many Italian artists are going to furnish the space. What’s more, in Casa Lago, via S. Tomaso 6, Leonardo da Vinci will be celebrated as a genius and a icon. Meetings, workshops, and just conviviality gatherings are waiting for you!

Crumpled Maps Soft Maps For Urban Jungles

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Design District Crumpled Maps is born from the encounter between Studiolabo and Palomar, dedicated to the best world Design Districts. Indestructible, soft and waterproof: these the three special characteristics of Crumpled Maps, that could be (of course) crumpled and pressed.


Hem keeps its collaboration with some of the most important and widely-known creatives. It is currently presenting two new collections: the Kumo Sofa, by the Norwegian Anderssen &Voll and Dolina, by LucidiPavere Studio.

House in Motion – Interni Magazine

Conceived by Mario Cucinella Architects and SOS-School of Sustainability with Eni Gas e Luce, the interior installation turns the Orto Botanico into a green city, where visitors are encouraged to plunge in, through a urban smart grid.

Mt masking tape conquers the world

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Brera Desing District has been chosen as showcase to celebrate Mt and MtCASA’s 10th anniversary. All along the Design Week workshops will be held with the blogger Anabella Veronesi. You can’t miss the new pop-up store inauguration in the corner between Vie Brera and Via Fiori Oscuri.

Matter Made

Matter Made is an American producer of lighting, furniture and objects. This year it exhibits a collection of cement vases, created from the drawings of the Brasilian master Sergio Rodrigues.

Slow Wood

The site specific exhibition I sensi del legno, installazione materica/sensoriale is organized by the wood experts Slow Wood. It will be located in Slow Wood LabStore of Foro Buonaparte 44/A, where visitors, after going through the xilotheque (where there will be more than four hundreds wood species), will enter a kind of wunderkammern. Here it will be possibile to personally live an empathic experience with woody materials.


Brera Design District 2018 fuorisalone 2018 must see milano design week 2018

MI-ORTO, located in Piazza XXV Aprile, is a project of urban agriculture, promoted and created by Eataly Milano Smeraldo together with Liveinslums Onlus. It aims to get in touch the agriculture with the dimension of the city, so that the square turns into a special place, where live play and make experience.


HAY, Sonos and WeWork are this year turning up together, in order to share an innovative vision of design, spaces, collaboration and life. The evocative location of Palazzo Clerici hosts a series of installations celebrating the past evolving in the future, with a particular attention to every-day-life design.


Visit Sweden will bring to Milan its new project Swedish Design Moves, a selection of companies and swedish designers who look at the future. They are trying to improve the life quality of both the single person and the community, thanks to a functional and aesthetical approach to space and furniture. Exponent of the contemporary Sweden is Joyn Studio, a little interior design studio with the praiseworthy ambition of making people in a good mood.

Fornace Brioni

Brera Design District 2018 fuorisalone 2018 must see milano design week 2018

Fornace Brioni shows a new collection drawn by Cristina Celestino. It has been inspired by the Renaissance garden caves, wonderful spaces where to lead hosts. These places are typical of the XVI century Italian gardens, in a moment where their archtecture was evolving in theatre sceneries alterned by intimate and riserved spaces such as caves, precisely.

The Secret Place of Design

An exceptional project born by the synchronicity of four italian realities, takes place in the wonderful backgrounf of San Simpliciano’s great cloister. Firstly, there is Nodus that exhibits the 10th carpets collection of the highest quality, drawn by some important designers (such as Nendo and Marten Baas). Secondly, there is Exto with a furniture collection strong of the expertise from Brianza together with international important names. Thirdly, Matì for a high quality handcrafted design, basing its research on ancestral materials. In the end, there is Tao, a company where the technology is very strong.


«Typecasting. An Assembly of Iconic, Forgotten and New Vitra Characters»: that’s the name of Vitra at Pelota. Curated by the designer Robert Stadler, the event puts the spotlight on the contemporary changings and on the effects on the interior design. Everything is accompanied by Vitra projects, products, design studies.

Brera Design Apartment

Brera Design District 2018 fuorisalone 2018 must see milano design week 2018

Brera Design Apartment is the heart of the district and is animated for years by Studiolabo. The apartment will host the new collections of Maddalena Selvini, Stories_of_Italy, Cynthia VIlchez Castiglioni, Sour design per Bottega Nove, Leftover and Studio F. the projects provides an harmonic itinerary through the rooms, from the kitchen to the living to the bathroom and highlights design and high quality craftmanship.

In the end, 12 designers are required to create a special piece for the first collection “Milano Souvenir” which adopts the city as a symbol. An exercise on both a radical and pop theme, turning a specific and unusual city icon into a journey.


Useful information

The illustrations for the visual identity hav been realized by Federico Conti Picamus, young graphic designer and Milanese illustrator.

Brer Design Night: April the 20th.
