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The ones, who have been following me since a long time, surely remember my 2018 started with a great discover: IMM Cologne, the first fair of the year dedicated to the interior design.
IMM Cologne is a silent fair, with slow paces, where it’s possibile to feel the perfect atmosphere to understand the news of every brand and, overall, the businness trends.
After years and years of Salone del Mobile, in Cologne I found a totally different energy, an atmosphere offering the opportunity to discover what’s new on the interior world, starting from the trends about materials and colours, to the most interesting innovations of the products.
There are many companies presenting their innovations, dictating the directions for the new year.
As a blogger, I can say that what the reflections I made at IMM Cologne have been kept for the rest of 2018.
Next year, I’ll be in Cologne again: the fair will last from January 14th to January 20th 2019 and I’ll be there for the first three days, ready to discover and tell what’s up on the interior world, curious to discover good new products to suggest to my costumers.
On the first day, during the blogger meeting, the Association of the German Furniture Industry will launch its #zuhausesein (#beingathome) initiative, currently online on facebook and twitter. I was asked to answer the question: What does it mean to you #beingathome? and my answer will be published in the next days on this facebook page.
Talking about IMM Cologne, what I appreciated the most is the exclusive presence of the interior design, without too many accessories and objects.
I found a fair full of content, more than the shape, where to speak about design, products and trends of living.
Design at Cologne | Das Haus
Every year, at IMM Cologne organizes “Das Haus – Interiors on Stage”, a display where an international design studio is invited to project a 180m² space, representing a personal and ideal vision of the house.
This year, the studio will be the Dutch Truly Truly, presenting Living by Moods, a personal vision of the contemporary living; it’s house almost with no walls, composed by four zones connected one to another: Reclusive, Serene, Active and Reclining
The idea of the Dutch studio, founded by Joel and Kate Booy, husband and wife of 1981, is to recreate a flexible space, able to adapt to the changes of lifestyle of its tenants. What’s more it must adapt to their necessities and be inspiration, which interact every day with.
I’m really curious to discover the project and share with you my reflections.
>> If you’re interested in the project, see all information.
More than Das Haus, IMM Cologne this year will host LivingKitchen, a pavilion dedicated to the kitchen and to its many themes around this place, today like yesterday core of the house.
So, on this theme I’ll be keep you update on January 14th, when I’ll reach Germany to participate to this fair, that for sure won’t upset.
Hope I won’t be cold: I’d like to visit Passagen, the Cologne Design Week, which will take place in those days!
If you are there, write to me! We could meet for a tea.
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