L’OPIFICIO | THE FABRIC WORLD IN TURIN Carlotta Berta2019-03-05T09:16:43+01:0029 December 2018|Categories: INTERIOR|Tags: christmas, decor, design shops, showroom, torino|
ILLUSTRATION | THE TURINESE NICOLÒ CANOVA Cecilia Bima2018-10-23T14:35:22+01:0022 October 2018|Categories: ART, PEOPLE|Tags: illustration, torino|
TORINO GRAPHIC DAYS | I TROPICI MAMMA, MI CI PORTI? Cecilia Bima2018-10-23T14:35:10+01:0026 September 2018|Categories: ART|Tags: design fairs, torino|
TORINO GRAPHIC DAYS | HOW TO GET PREPARED TO THE FESTIVAL Cecilia Bima2018-10-23T14:35:30+01:0018 September 2018|Categories: ART|Tags: design fairs, torino|
INTERVIEW | NERODISEPPIA CREATIVE STUDIO Cecilia Bima2018-08-01T12:33:05+01:001 August 2018|Categories: ART, DESIGN|Tags: designer, torino|
ILLUSTRATION | 7 IDEAS FOR YOUR VALENTINE Cecilia Bima2018-02-09T11:09:33+01:009 February 2018|Categories: ART|Tags: design gifts, illustration, torino|