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I love warm colours but I adore cold ones when they are both present in a flat, creating a unique and welcoming blend of tones. Today I’ll take you on a home tour in the heart of Turin to let you experience the peace I felt when there.

The Design

The apartment has an orthogonal plant, 105 sq. Mt., which inspired the designers to use both strong and weak tones together with diagonal shapes which highlighted the existing lines creating others.

The project was accomplished in 2018 by Studio Unduo in Turin, namely Angela Tomasello, Paolo Delponte e Andrea Zanero.

The Hall

Lighting design at its highest. From the hall you immediately perceive the effect WOW,which the whole house is going to inspire. Let’s start from the walls: the contrast white-washed/ foliage wall-paper enhances the brightness of the room, giving a sensation of peace and relaxation.

The furniture is all wooden and black with an open bookcase enriched by green plants and a dresser which recalls the 70s.

home tour torino hall

home tour torino table

home tour torino wallpaper

home tour torino bookshelf

Opposite the hall you may notice the diagonal on the floor, in the same color as the wall, lichen green in contrast to bright yellow and a dark blue wall.

If you love lichen green, Carlotta will tell you how you may use it.

home tour torino hall

home tour torino blue wall

The kitchen

No suspended cabinets but white and colourful geometrical shapes on the walls together with two convenient marble shelves of the same length as the working top.

In you need to be further inspired read the following article

home tour torino white kitchen

home tour torino kitchen tiles

The bathrooms

The two bathrooms are completely different. The main bathroom is stylish and refined due to the cream tone contrasted with burgundy walls in a very similar symmetry to Progetto 6 by Carlotta.

The guest bathroom is more POP and playful. Strong unusual tones are similarly used in this room.

home tour torino bathroom

home tour torino bathroom

home tour torino bathroom

home tour torino bathroom

The bedroom

This room triggers a sensation of purity. The decor has a soft tone, so as to encourage a sense of sleep and sweet awakening. The only exception is the armchair  in a bright turquoise, which is noteworthy.

What do you think of that feeling of peace I talked about at the beginning?

home tour torino bedroom

home tour torino bedroom

Via Unduo | Credits: PEPE fotografia