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Which are the outdoor trends for 2020?
I discovered them a few weeks ago in Lisbon during the press conference about Spoga+Gafa 2019, the international outdoor fair that will take place from 1 to 3 September 2019 in Cologne.
I told you about this fair in a post with my best of SPOGA + GAFA 2018. Do you remember?
The theme of the year will be City Gardening and will contain new proposals from the outdoor world that also move towards the interior for a green living area.
City Gardening | the city is Open-air
The global outdoor trend that companies and fairs have to keep in mind is urbanisation. More and more people are living in the city and looking for a green space. Living in the city center and at the same time being surrounded by greenery is no longer a contradiction: it is a possibility.
Living the balcony | Design for small outdoor areas
It has been clear for some years now: gardening is a trend even for people without a garden. Compact pots, green walls and small greenhouses transform the balconies into small botanical gardens that require only an irrigation system and small accessories. From here the trend becomes about functional, combinable and above all not bulky furnishings, which allow the balcony to be transformed into a real oasis of peace.
Relax | Flexible and ergonomic furnishings
Whether on small balconies or in large gardens, outdoor life is synonymous with relax. Modular, transformable, super-resistant and multi-function lounge furniture is in full trend. High-tech materials and soft colors transform outdoor areas into small outdoor lounges, maybe covered by shaded curtains that let the refreshing air in.
The trend is hanging furnishings: chairs, armchairs, but also beds that allow you to swing yourself without thinking about anything.
About hanging chairs: here are some inspirations for interiors.
Weaving | between wicker and rattan
The outdoor recalls natural materials: and so the plot is a trend for outdoor environments. From wicker to rattan to even completely different materials, such as iron and wood.
Let’s see what we will find to Spoga+Gafa 2019.
Minimal | between Less is more and tailor-made
In the anniversary year of the Bauhaus, the terrace is minimal and purist. It is reduced to the essential to free the mind and seek simplicity, both outside and at home.
In this minimal terrace, however, there is space for personalization.
In short, white is the main color, wood is the material, but the accessories are multicolor.
The kitchen comes out of the walls of the house | Outdoor kitchens
If the terrace becomes a second living room, even the kitchen cannot remain within the walls of the house: from traditional barbecues to the new kitchens units, the trend is outdoor conviviality, in which food cannot miss.
I would love to visit Spoga+Gafa again this year. What about you? Will you be there?
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